Hello, this is Hasegawa from Conspi CPM.


Recently on the company's official Twitter account

They appear from time to time.

I thought maybe I had hijacked the company's content a bit too much...

I sometimes ask myself questions and sometimes I don't.


For each content

Anyone can appear if they raise their hand.

Unfortunately, no one raised their hands.

The result is that Segawa appears frequently.


I hope to continue to be friends with you in the future.

I am very happy.


Now, at the House of Representatives plenary session on June 1st, the Self-Defense Forces bases and nuclear power plants, etc.

A bill to regulate land use around facilities important to national securitywas passed.


Either way,

Rather than talking about the real estate industry,

It's about national security and defense.

"Restriction of private rights" "Restriction of freedom of economic activity"Such discussions and

Because they are spoken of together,

I decided to take it up.


Hasegawa or Conspi

The purpose is not to discuss ideology and beliefs,

Please do not misunderstand this point.


To begin with, some people may not be aware of this bill.

There may be some of you who are wondering about this, so I'll just touch on it briefly.


Defense facilities, border islands, nuclear power plants, etc.

Attempts to disrupt security functions (= obstruction of functions)

A bill to prevent this.


This bill sets the scope of investigation and regulation to be within 1km of important facilities and on remote islands on the border.

A country can designate "watch zones" within that area,

It is said that it will be possible to investigate actual land use.

If any "impairing behavior" is found, the authorities can issue a recommendation or order to stop the behavior, with penalties attached.


In addition, particularly important areas will be designated as "special observation zones."

For transactions of land or buildings of 200 m2 or more

Prior notification of name, nationality, etc. is now mandatory.

It is also possible to impose heavy restrictions.

(At the stage where "nationality" is also included,

This is a highly political issue and should be taken with a pinch of salt.)


Previously, the land around the water source of Hokkaido

There was also talk of a certain foreign company buying them all up,

If we translate that to a national security level,

It might be easier to understand.


Certainly, from a personal perspective,

Near these extremely important facilities,

If there is a building where unknown people come and go,

That's simply "scary".

From the country's perspective, it's not just a matter of being "scary";

For security reasons, we must maintain a certain level of precaution.


I think most people would probably agree with this,

In opposition to this bill,

"Freedom of economic activity" is restrictedthing,

Also, from the perspective of people who have always lived in the area,

Being severely restricted in one's movementsAnd then,

The story goes that this could easily become a violation of human rights.


This, too, makes sense.

In Okinawa, where military bases occupy much of the prefecture, there seems to be strong opposition to this bill.

It's not hard to imagine that this is something that cannot be overlooked.


From a real estate agent's perspective,

Land is a commodity that should be circulated,

Although we say land in one word,

From a private perspective,"A familiar place"It refers to

From the country's perspective,"National territory"and"territory"Refers to:


The starting point of interpretation is different,

This is something that cannot be solved by the dualism of good and evil.

Both sides have valid arguments and logic,

Other than finding a common ground through thorough discussion,

Personally, I don't think there is a humane solution to this.


By the way, at the House of Representatives Cabinet Committee on May 28,

While there are voices calling for the deliberations to continue,

Apparently the vote was taken at the discretion of the chairman.

"It would be better not to force it..."That's how I felt.



So, sorry this is a bit (?) long.

See you next time,


CPM was Segawa.


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The person who wrote this blog

CPM Yusuke Hasegawa
CPM (Certified Professional Property Manager) certified professionals will provide easy-to-understand explanations on a variety of topics.