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[For advanced investors] How to choose a real estate investment seminar

If you are an advanced investor familiar with real estate investment, you may have experienced misunderstandings, troubles, and disputes related to real estate investment.

When choosing a seminar, you should first choose one that has the expertise to fill in the gaps in your previous experience.

In terms of investment targets, participating in seminars that broaden the scope of your investments from just one-room apartments to entire apartment buildings, commercial buildings, logistics facilities, and real estate fractionalization products will also be useful for your future real estate management.

Which is better: online or face-to-face seminars?

As the COVID-19 pandemic has calmed down, the number of face-to-face seminars has increased.
Face-to-face and online seminars each have their own advantages and disadvantages, but if you have the time, we highly recommend attending a face-to-face seminar.

Online seminars are very useful if you just want to gain knowledge, as they save you time and money.
However, face-to-face seminars offer many benefits that cannot be obtained online, such as being able to ask questions directly to the instructor and getting information from other attendees.

Three tips for taking advantage of real estate investment seminars

Real estate investment seminars are a place where you can obtain useful information, but depending on the participant's mindset, they may end up leaving without gaining anything.
Make sure you remember these three tips to get the most out of the seminar and attend it well.

Prepare in advance and clarify your purpose

When attending a seminar, make sure you gather some prior knowledge and any questions you may have, as information available on the internet is sufficient.

It is important to clarify the purpose of the seminar before attending.
Rather than simply listening to the seminar and taking notes, you can deepen your understanding by listening while checking to see if the information you have gathered is correct and whether your questions have been answered.

Make friends with the instructor and other participants

If you attend a face-to-face seminar, you may be able to gain knowledge that you cannot learn at a seminar by greeting the instructor and other participants and actively seeking out information.
If you have any questions, just ask and we'll solve them right there.

In addition, gathering real estate property information often requires personal relationships.
By becoming acquainted with instructors and real estate investors on a regular basis, you can obtain high-quality property information quickly.
Seminars can be a useful place to become aware of such human relationships.

The participation fee is the cost of obtaining the necessary information

It's a good idea to start off by gaining knowledge through free seminars for beginners, but you should also consider the seminar fees a necessary expense for obtaining information and actively participate in paid seminars as well.

Some require you to pay a participation fee, while others are seminars that only available to paid members of the community.
Since the information you really need is often discussed at seminars that are not open to the public, some people even join multiple communities to gather information.
During the conversation between participants, important information may slip out.


Real estate investment seminars are held all over the country, and their content and target audiences vary widely.
You will be more likely to get the most out of a seminar if you understand your own level of knowledge and experience and research the content of the seminar beforehand.

Information about seminars can be found not only on information websites on the Internet, but also in e-mail newsletters from well-known real estate investors, announcements from financial institutions, and invitation emails sent only to a limited number of people.
In order to obtain valuable investment information, try to actively participate in real estate investment seminars.


At Conspirito, we have a wealth of content on our website that you can learn from the perspective of a real estate management company.


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Conspirit Blog Writer
Conspirito's official blog writer will deliver useful information about real estate.