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Abbreviation for "subrogation." In the case of management work, when a tenant falls behind on their payments, the management company will request payment of the overdue amount from the rent guarantee company. This is called "requesting representation." This is different from "representing the tenant," which is expressing an opinion on their behalf.


Construction management

Abbreviation for building management company.
It is unclear whether this is a common term, but it is often used within Conspiracy.
Example of use: "Where was the construction manager for this property?"


Short plastic

"Short-term prime rate." Generally, it is often abbreviated as "tanpura."
Among the "prime rates" that financial institutions offer when lending funds to top-quality companies,
This refers to loan periods of one year or less.
The "long-term prime rate" is when the loan period is one year or more.

The interest rates for home loans and income real estate loans are also
It is often tied to the prime rate.
In general, interest rates tend to fluctuate more slowly with short-term primes than with long-term primes.
Usually, the interest rate is short-term < long-term, but
Currently, low interest rates continue, resulting in an inverted yield curve.


Group life insurance

This refers to the "group credit life insurance" that is attached to a loan.
A system in which the remaining balance is paid by the insurance company when the borrower dies. The insurance premium is included in the interest rate on the loan.
This abbreviation is almost commonplace, from contractors to bankers.


Cho-pura (long plastic)

Abbreviation for "long-term prime rate."
Among the "prime rates" that financial institutions offer when lending funds to top-quality companies,
This refers to loan periods of one year or more.

The figures are published monthly by Mizuho Bank, which is a successor to the long-term credit bank group, and other major trust banks.
In the case of Mizuho Bank, the yield is based on the 5-year bond it issues.
The decision is made based on market interest rate trends.

Basically, long-term lending is riskier,
Interest rates are higher for long-term premiums than for short-term premiums (positive yield curve).


Rental contract

A lease agreement between the owner and the tenant.
The monthly rent, period, and conditions of occupancy are listed.
The abbreviation is generally used regardless of whether it is a dealer or a financial institution. When buying and selling a used property, this is a very important document because you cannot know the actual rent unless you check it at the end.


Chinkan (rental service)

Abbreviation for rental management company.
It is unclear whether this is a common term, but it is often used within Conspiracy.
Example of usage: "Where is the current rent for this property?"



This is one of the most common transaction forms in real estate transactions (both sales and rentals).
A real estate agent sits between the parties and facilitates the transaction. Once the transaction is completed, a "brokerage fee" is paid as a success fee.
"Intermediary" has the same meaning.
There are three types of agency: "exclusive exclusive agency," "sole agency," and "general agency."



The price per tsubo (3.3 square meters) of land or building. It is an abbreviation of the price per tsubo (3.3 square meters) (but it just omits the character "price").
Calculations are based on 1 tsubo = approximately 3.3 m2. Incidentally, 1 tsubo = approximately 2 tatami mats.


Cancellation of mortgage

Cancellation of the mortgage on the property being sold (as is).
Naturally, the sale cannot go ahead with the seller's loan still attached, so the bank's loan is paid off with the purchase price from the buyer and the mortgage is cancelled at the same time.
It may take several weeks from the time you report and apply for the sale (= lump-sum repayment) to the bank until the cancellation is actually completed, so be sure to check when buying or selling a second-hand property.


DCF method

Discounted Cash Flow is an abbreviation for Discounted Cash Flow, and is one of the valuation methods for estimating the price of real estate. It is classified as a type of capitalization method, and is calculated by discounting the income earned during the ownership period of the property and the profit from sales back to the present value. It is often used by financial institutions in loan screening, as it can take into account risks more than simple capitalization and can also incorporate future value. It certainly doesn't hurt to know about it.


Dead Cross

In real estate investment, this is a situation where the loan principal repayment exceeds the depreciation expense. Loan principal repayment is an expense but is not recorded as an expense, while depreciation is not an expense but is recorded as an expense. If this situation occurs after some time has passed since the property was owned, even if the bookkeeping is in the black, the property will be in the red in terms of cash flow, and it will become difficult to operate. It is said to be one of the causes of bankruptcy even when the property is in the black.


Tokyo Rules

It is commonly known as the "Rental Housing Dispute Prevention Ordinance." It is also known as the Tokyo Rules.
In the "Tokyo Ordinance for the Prevention of Disputes Related to Housing Rental in Tokyo" enacted in October 2004,
These are rules to prevent problems regarding restoring the property to its original condition when moving out, settling the deposit, paying for repairs, etc.
There is an obligation to provide a clear explanation at the time of signing a lease agreement.
Since Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced this rule before the rest of the country, it is called the "Tokyo Rule."
Similar ordinances are now being enacted nationwide.
The general rule is that the owner is responsible for deterioration over time and normal wear and tear, while the tenant is responsible for any damage caused by intentional or negligent acts.


Certified copy

This refers to a certified copy of the registry. It is usually abbreviated.
A document that contains certain information about a property, such as the title, location, and land area.
Now you can get it online too. Very convenient.


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